Friday, January 12, 2007

What is a style sheet?

My best frends Dazey, Jesse & Conner Cloud ask:

In reference to removing the blogger bar at the top, what xactly is the "style sheet"?Skeezix, we and the Mom that Lives here Looked but didn't figure it out. Is it the template? Can you clarify?? Thanx Skeezix, we luvs this cat help blog!
That's a vary good qweschun!

I'll deskribe ware the stylesheets are in blogger, and sumwun else can chime in with info for Wordpress and others.

The style sheet is the code that appeers in between the HEAD tags of yer template. If yer using the new (beta) Blogger, the ferst part of it looks like this...

Blogger Template Style
Name: Rounders
Designer: Douglas Bowman
Date: 27 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
--------------------------------- */
... and continues until yoo see the </head> tag.

In the old blogger, the style sheet falls between the style tags --- starting with <style> and ending with </style> (and the closing style tag is just above the closing head tag).

So, the stylesheet is the part of yer template that deefines the formatting and layowt of all the elements in yer template. Win they occur in yer stylesheet, it enabuls yoo to change, say, yer font color, in one place, and in changes the font colors thruowt yer blog or website. It's vary powerful, but it's also vary mistifying if yer not a tek-hed.

CSS is the abreeviayshun for "Cascading Style Sheets," wich is the term for the languaje of stylesheets.

We will rite fyoocher artikuls on using stylesheets in yer blog. But for now, all yoo need to know is that the stylesheet is the code at the top of yer template that makes yer blog look the way it duz!


>> Klik heer to find owt more abowt style sheets.
>> Try CSS yerself (grate tool for playing arownd with the code and see whut it duz.)
>> More on CSS frum Wikipedia

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