Tuesday, January 2, 2007

How do I get that long list of blogs to show up on my sidebar?

Sanjee's note: FYI, Yoo can't use the javascript for blogrolling.com on wordpress.com blogs. They don't allow anny javascript for security reasins. Purrrrrs, Sanjee

That list of links is referd to as a blogroll. Go to blogrolling.com to set up yer own kustum list, or go to http://www.skeezixthecat.com/bloghelp/blogroll.html to get the snippet for Skeezix's List of Links. Copy and paste that snippet into yer sidebar.

The advantage to using blogroll (vs. hand-coding yer list) is that it can be set to sort the list in whutever order yoo like (alpha, ascending width, descending width, etc.) and the blogs yoo list automatikly ping blogrolling.com win they are updated*. If the blog has bin updated reesintly, it will display "new post" (or any other text yoo designate) next to it ... wich is vary handy win viziting other blogs. Also, if yoo have multiple blogs, yoo only need to update the list in one place if yoo use blogrolling.com.

Junior asks...

Hey Skeezix and all the helpers,I have started having Meowm do the ping thing....so that others know when I have blogged....but how does Meowm make my blog show when others have pinged? Thanks tons for your help!

Ferst, let me explane pinging. If yoo go to Blogroll and manyully ping yer blog so that it shoze up as being updated, whutever blog yoo enter in the form will show up as being updated (don't put in a non-updated blog). In yer blogroll preferinses for yer own blogroll list, yoo can indicate whut yoo want prepended or appended to links so yoo know they've bin updated -- uzhully, yoo put "updated" or "new post" or sumthing like that. It takes a cuppul of minits after yoo fill owt the form, and then yer blog will show up as updated in all of the blogrolling.com lists in wich it appeers.

If yoo've manully pinged and yer blog is not showing as updated in other link lists, it's probably becuz thare not using blogrolling.com to make thare blogroll. Why not shoot them an emale and sugjest that they set up thare list on blogrolling.com?

Cats, Goats, Quotes rites:
I've been adding the blogroll to my sidebar, but, as I've seen in other blogs, there are no 'updates' or 'new posts' so far. Am I leaving something out? Thanks...You have been so helpful in many ways!!

I chekt bak on yer blog and I see thare showing up now. They will not show up rite away -- after yoo've created yer blogroll, the updates will only display win blogs are updated on a "going forwerd" basis. So always give it a day or so for updates to start displaying.

* Ixsept win this feechur is broken, in wich case yoo can manully ping by going to http://www.blogrolling.com/ping.phtml


Victor Tabbycat said...

A furry good explanation, Skeezix! Efun wif the updating "down," as you said, it's a grate list, you can add to it easily, an it stays in order.

Last I herd, the updatin is werkin, but they's flooded wif "splogs" that update constantly, so they don't catch us.

Hot(M)BC said...

FYI, Yoo can't use the javascript for blogrolling.com on wordpress.com blogs. They don't allow anny javascript for security reasins.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer skeezix,
i happen to hav a kweschun regardin da blogroll.
thank u verree much fer helpin me wid dis a while ago. sumcat rote to me tonite on mi blog an sed ... "you have us listed twice on your roll".
i checked dis, an, low an behold, he wuz rite! can i edit mi blogroll to deleet one uv his listinz?
yerz troolee,

Hot(M)BC said...

Jeter, I maded an ekspanashun for yoo here: Change or Delete Links at Blogrolling.com
I hope it helps!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

I've been adding the blogroll to my sidebar, but, as I've seen in other blogs, there are no 'updates' or 'new posts' so far.
Am I leaving something out?
You have been so helpful in many ways!!