Showing posts with label mr linkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mr linkey. Show all posts

Monday, January 8, 2007

Mr Linkey's Widgets

Yoo may have notist that thare is a form at the bottum of sum Thursday Thirteen posts (also on the Cat Blogosphere) that allow yoo (if yer partisipayting) to qwikly add yer site to the list. It looks like this:

IT IS GRATE! As they say on TeeVee, yoo just "set it and ferget it!" It helps evrywun vizit lots of other similar memes qwikly, and keeps yoo frum having to chek yer comments and add the links. Best of all, it's FREE FREE FREE!

To git this form, go to The basik linkies are free, and custum linkies cost yoo a small amownt ($5/yr for a silver membership; $10/yr for a gold membership). If yoo have the basik free membership, yoo can only have one form aktive at a time, so win yoo put a new form in yer blog for the currint week, the preevius week's link form will no longer werk. (Not a huge deel, but sumthing yoo shood know!) If yoo pay the $5, yoo can have as many aktive at one time as yoo like, and yoo can kustumize them for anything yoo like (like "Wite Rat Wenzday" or "Spicy Vixin Sunday").

Mister Linkey's Magical Widgets creates custom code for the following platforms:
  1. Blogger (both new and klassik)
  2. Square Space
  3. TypePad
  4. Blog-City
  5. TextPattern
  6. LiveJournal
  7. and Wordpress installed
  8. Moveable Type
  9. HTML only