Showing posts with label PayPal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PayPal. Show all posts

Friday, January 2, 2009

How to put PayPal Links in Your Blog

My best frends Katie and Da Katz asked the following:
HELP!!! We iz tryin ta find out hows ta put da pay pal codes on our site... any beans or furry babies knohs how ta do dat???

MomsBusy saids dat dehr is a tabbie... we gotz a tabbie named daisy, but she donts knohs where da code iz.

ooh she saids a TAB... Mawmee whats dat??? Dehr supposed ta be a tab or a links at pay pal fur dis... n weze needin ta gets dis sets up cuz da bloggin cats is helpin us thru ruff times while mawmee not got no jobbee and weze cold n hungree n stuffoms reel hard likes dat.

Tank U!!!

Katie Too...

That's a good qweschun becuz the Paypal site is not ixzaktly eezy to use. So let me show yoo ware to go:

  1. Once yer logged into Paypal, click the Merchant Services tab. (Yoo mite have to be set up with a merchant accownt, but that's pritty eazy.)
  2. On the Merchant Services tab page, click the donate link (klik to biggify). "Donate" is the 4th link down in the left collum:

On the Donate screen, enter the reqwired infermayshun (yoo probly want the peeple hoo are donayting to be able to set thare own donayshun amownt):

Then yoo'll go to a screen that gives yoo the code. Just hit the Select Code button, and copy it and paste it into yer blog:

I hope that helps! Once yoo find ware to go, it's pritty eazy!