Monday, March 19, 2007

How to git a Slide Gestbook

Reesintly, I put a Flash gestbook on my site. It took abowt 2 minits, and it's vary eezy. It's a widget frum, and yoo can kustumize it however yoo wunt: diffrint sizes, diffrint skins, diffrint bakgrownds, etc. (The one downside is that it duzn't come in a size small enuf to fit most sidebars.) I like being abul to see all my best frends faces come up on it!

TIP: For sum reezin, the code that provided reezulted in a teevee that was too narrow. So I modifide thare code and changed the width frum 400 to 550, and changed the height frum 400 to 425. Yoo can also try a 426 width and a 320 height. Or play around with other dimenshuns.... too small duzn't werk tho -- I coodn't shrink enuf to fit in my sidebar.
Kaze asks:
Yes, mine doesn't want to fit in my did you get yours to be at the top of your page?
Yoo'll need to edit yer template. I've provided Blogger instrukshuns beelow:
For old blogger templates, klik the template tag and paste yer code snippet above this div tag in yer template:
<!-- Begin #content -->
<div id="content">
  1. Klik yer template tab.
  2. Klik the "Edit HTML" link beelow it.
  3. IMPORTUNT! Chek the "Expand Widget Templates" chekbox at the top rite above ware yoo edit yer template.
  4. Paste yer code above this div tag: <div id="'content-wrapper'">
  5. Klik the orange "Save Template" buttun.

1 comment:

LZ said...

Yes, mine doesn't want to fit in my did you get yours to be at the top of your page?
